• Pentru evenimente legate de filosofia lui Kant, consultati si urmatoarele pagini:

    1. Kantpapers.org
    2. Universitatea Goethe, Mainz: Kant-Forschungsstelle | Philosophisches Seminar (uni-mainz.de)
    3. SiEKLF etudes.kantiennes - Actualités (mozello.fr)

  •  Juriul Kant-Gesellschaft  a hotărât ca Paul Guyer, Universitatea Brown, să primească Premiul Fundației Thyssen, iar Caroline Reinhardt, Universitatea Passau, să ia premiile comune ale Fundației Marcucci și Kant-Gesellschaft. Premiile vor fi acordate în cadrul celui de-al 14-lea Congres Internațional Kant, Bonn, 2024  https://www.kant2024.uni-bonn.de/de 


Dragi membri ai Societatii Kant din Romania. In anul tricentenarului Kant, incepand de ieri se desfasoara un maraton fara precedent de conferinte Kant, este vorba despre "Virtual Kant Congress" (https://www.virtualkantcongress.org/virtual-kant-congress). Evenimentul intins pe mai multe luni este accesibil onine via ZOOM. Majoritatea societatilor Kant din lume participa in cate o sectiune in diferite zile in diferite luni. Intr adevar este un eveniment fara precedent, unul special. 

Sectiunea dedicata Societatii Kant din Romania se va desfasura in luna Octombrie pe data de 7. Sesiunea va fi moderata de d-na Rodica Croitoru, Presedinta Societatii, iar cei trei reprezentanti ai societatii vor fi dr. Titus Lateș („Translations and interpretations of Kant's work in Romanian'', Institutul de Filosofie si Psihologie "C. Radulescu-Motru" al Academiei Romane), dr. Marius Augustin Drăghici („Heuristic aspects concerning Mathematics in Kant' s work”, Institutul de Filosofie si Psihologie "C. Radulescu-Motru" al Academiei Romane) si Claudia Șerban ("Transcendental Philosophy and Anthropology", University of Toulouse) https://www.virtualkantcongress.org/schedule. Mai multe informatii vor fi postate in timp util.

Pentru a putea participa la eveniment este necsara inscrierea accesand 



Dear colleagues, 

We are pleased to announce the International (online) Conference Kant 300 organized by the Institute of Philosophy and Psychology of the Romanian Academy. The conference schedule and access link will be provided at the beginning of April. You may find below information about the conference and the submission procedure:

International Online Conference Kant 300. Celebrating the 300th Anniversary of Kant’s Birth

Organizer: Institute of Philosophy and Psychology "Constantin Rădulescu-Motru" of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania, April 22–25 2024
Keynote Speakers: Beatrice Longuenesse (New York University, USA), Paul Guyer (Brown University, USA), Michael Potter (University of Cambridge, UK), Eric Watkins (University of California, San Diego, USA), Hernán Pringe (University of Buenos Aires, Argentina), Lisa Shabel (Ohio State University, USA), Bryan Hall (Regis University, USA), Claus Dierksmeier (University of Tübingen, Germany).

Since 2024 marks the 300th anniversary of Kant’s birth rather than the publication of any specific fundamental works, the conference does not have a specific topic. It welcomes scholars whose relevant articles, essays, and/or books are published in interdisciplinary subject areas, as well as in the historical-exegetical and/or theoretical-reconstructive fields. These may include but are not limited to cognitive science, metaphysics, epistemology, general philosophy of science, analytical philosophy, philosophy of mathematics, frame-theory program, ethics, or moral philosophy.

Submission: Those interested in participating with a talk in the conference are invited to submit an abstract of 300–500 words to kant300.bucharestconference@gmail.com and/or mariusdraghiciinstitut@yahoo.com by February 29, 2024. Along with the abstract, please include a separate document containing the following information: the title of your talk, your name, academic affiliation, a brief description of your research field, and a list of your main publications. Each regular presentation will be allotted 50 minutes (35 minutes presentation, 15 minutes debates). The conference will be conducted in English and organized by Marius Augustin Drăghici, Oana Vasilescu and Claudiu Baciu. Abstracts must be prepared for blind review. Accepted speakers will be notified no later than March 31, 2024. The language of the conference will be English.

  • Academia de Științe din Berlin Brandenburg (fosta Academie de Științe Prusacă) organizează festivitatea dedicata implinirii a 300 de ani de la nașterea lui Kant. Inscrierea este obligatorie (detalii aici):  https://www.bbaw.de/veranstaltungen/veranstaltung-300-jahre-kant
           Festivitatea va avea loc pe 22 aprilie 2024, începând cu ora 18.00, la Bolle Festsäle, Alt-Moabit 98, 10559  Berlin. Discursul festiv va fi susținut de cancelarul federal al Republicii Federale Germania, Olaf Scholz.

            De asemenea, Nina West va citi texte de la Kant, introdusă de Andrea Esser și Marcus Willaschek, iar  membrii Academiei pentru Muzică Veche Berlin (AKAMUS) vor interpreta muzică din secolul al XVIII-lea.

  • Informatii despre burse acordate de Univ. Notre Dame gasiti in anuntul de mai jos: 

     The Call for Applications for grants programs at the History of Philosophy Forum of the University of Notre Dame remains open for six more weeks.

      The “2024-25 Small Grants Program for International Researchers” is open to scholars with a Ph.D. based at institutions outside the USA. These grants are intended to defray the costs of a short stay at the University of Notre Dame, for the purposes of conducting research that would benefit from the use of our world-class library resources and consultation/collaboration with our faculty. The grant can only be used to cover costs pertaining to travel and accommodation, up to $3500. We especially welcome applications that have some thematic relationship to our current research cluster, "Modeling the Mind in the History of Philosophy."  However, the grant program is open to all projects in the history of philosophy, broadly construed.

        The “2024 Summer Writing and Research Grants Program” invites applications from scholars with a Ph.D. and active academic affiliation who are working on research projects in the history of philosophy, broadly construed. Recipients are given access to Notre Dame's world-class library and are provided free accommodation for one month in a furnished visiting faculty apartment next to campus. 


      More information about the programs, as well as links to the online applications, can be found at https://historyofphilosophy.nd.edu/grants/.


        The submission deadline is March 15th, 2024.  We ask that applicants contact one of our faculty affiliates to act as a faculty host before submitting their applications.

  • Societatea Kant va participa la Virtual Kant Congress with a Cosmoplitan Purpose Informații despre participanți, modalități de înregistrare, program etc. le găsiți aici: https://www.virtualkantcongress.org
  • Actualizare pagina internet a Societății Kant la http://kant-gesellschaft.de/ 

  • Colocviu aniversar cu ocazia implinirii a 300 de ani de la nasterea lui Kant. Lisabona, 17-19 sept. 2024, cu tema:  "La philosophie critique pour la justice cosmopolitique et la paix perpétuelle". Propunerile se primesc până la 30 apr. 2024 si vor fi trimise via e-mail lui Fernando Silva (fernandomsilva@campus.ul.pt) și lui Paulo Jesus (paulorenatus@campus.ul.pt)          Pentru mai multe detalii, accesati: 

          https://cful.letras.ulisboa.pt/hphil/events/call-for-papers-critical-philosophy-for-cosmopolitan-justice-and-             perpetual-peace-immanuel-kant-300th-anniversary-conference/      



  • Call for papers pentru Congresul SiEKLF 2023:

    XVIe Congrès international de la Société internationale d'Études Kantiennes de Langue Française (SiEKLF) se tiendra à Vienne (Autriche) du 28 au 30 septembre 2023 et portera sur « Kant, l'art et les Arts ». Toutes les contributions originales sur Kant, son œuvre, ses sources et sa réception, sont les bienvenues. Pour plus d’informations concernant cet appel, veuillez consulter la page internet : https://kv2024.blogs.uv.es ainsi que l’appel initial traduit en français sur le site de la Société internationale d’Études Kantiennes de Langue Française: https://etudeskantiennes.mozello.fr/actualites/params/post/3911684/congres-international---kant-hier-et-aujourdhui-a-loccasion-du-tricentenair

  •  Anunt: Institutul de Filosofie a Religiei din München oferă un Masterclass dedicat filosofiei religiei a lui Kant și, mai ales, a binelui suprem. Prof. L. Pasternak (Univ. Oklahoma) va prezenta prima versiune la cartea sa asupra acestei teme. Vor urma discuții. Manifestarea va avea loc între 26-28 febr. 2024 (în engleză). Candidaturile se depun până la 8 ian. 2024 la: irp@hfph. Costul este de 67 Euro (inclusiv masa) 
  • Anunt Conferinta  Kant’s Anthropology and the Modern Social Sciences/Kants Anthropologie und die modernen Sozialwissenschaften (6-8 iulie 2023, online).
Participanti (Università degli Studi di Catania), Faviola Rivera Castro (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexiko), Oliver Eberl (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main), David Inglis (University of Helsinki), Roey Reichert (University of California), Alexey Salikov (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main), Nuria Sánchez Madrid (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Marcus Willaschek (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main), Catherine Wilson (University of York), Alexey Zhavoronkov (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main), Rafael Ziegler (HEC Montréal). Organizator: Universitatea Goethe Frankfurt. 
Programul si alte informatii aici


  •  Programul Conferintei
           KANT ET L’ACADÉMIE DE BERLIN (Université de Montréal)  (format hibrid)         

                     2910 Édouard-Montpetit, #422 Format hybride (heure de Montréal - EDT)


9h30-10h00                   Accueil

10h00-11h00                 François Duchesneau (Montréal)

L’évaluation critique du concept de monade de Béguelin à Kant

11h00-12h00                 Daniel Dumouchel (Montréal)

Les enjeux de l'Aufklärung: Kant et le concours de 1780, sur la question de savoir 's'il est utile au peuple d'être trompé

12h00-13h30                 Lunch

13h30-14h30     Christian Leduc (Montréal)

Kant et la philosophie spéculative : le rôle de l’Académie de Berlin


14h30-15h30                 Arnaud Pelletier (Bruxelles)

Répliques sans réponse : la déconstruction du système de Kant par le cercle d’Eberhard après la bataille de l’Ueber eine Entdeckung

15h30-16h00                 Pause

16h00-17h00                 Tinca Prunea-Bretonnet (Bucarest) 

                                   Méthode philosophique et pensée par soi-même: Lectures de Kant  à

                                   l'Académie de Berlin 

LIEN ZOOM: https://umontreal.zoom.us/j/82521765910?pwd=WEZBcWJ3b0ltQmhhcGxsL29jVmpzdz09


   Information : Christian Leduc (christian.leduc.1@umontreal.ca)




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